Background: MBFntCat.wcm started life as FONTSCAT.WPM in 1995, a macro for WP6/DOS. It got up to version 1.20 in that incarnation. I didn't start to use WP/WIN until version 8, and then discovered that the macro language regarding dialogues had dramatically changed. As the serious wordprocessing at the office is still done to this day in WP6/DOS, I had no incentive to re-write my old macros. However, as I recently had to re-write my old CALENDAR.WPM macro for WP9, I felt I should do the same with this, starting with version 2; the current version of 2.08 reflects several internal development cycles. Version History: Version 2.09 - 2.21 (11..13-Oct-00) Interface & functionality improvements Improved "From List" behaviour: presents dialog of open documents. Version 2.22 20-Oct-00 Bug fix, compatibility improvement (WP8) It has come to my attention that MBFntCat doesn't run very well under WP9. First, WP8 doesn't have DocumentInfo(Lines!), although I can't find it mentioned as a new command. Second, WP9 doesn't present the WP-fonts in GetData(vFontName;Font!;Name!;CurrentDoc!;vCount), but WP8 does. This exposes a programming flaw in the macro. Both these items are fixed. However, I also discovered that WP8 runs a lot slower, so I increased the value of xws for WP8 to 10, and to be on the safe side, to 2 for WP9. WP8 has a few other oddities: the first entry in the sample phrase box is not selected when the dialogue opens. Lastly, the routine to display the About box, followed by a re-display of the main dialogue crashed my WP8 (or rather the macro processor) every time. So I changed the ABout dialogue for WP8 to a MessageBox. The code: The macro has become a lot more complicated than I envisaged at the beginning. There's ample scope for bugs and I would appreciate any feedback. On the plus side, there are some useful programming morsels in the code. The biggest one is the QuickSort routine, then there is the multi-tasking dialogue with a time-out: two simultaneous callback dialogues. There are indirect variables, and a dynamically constructed dialogue ("Documents"). The routine to omit styles turned out to be fairly simple and seems to work well. The code is reasonably commented and consistently structured. I think detailed study of the code will be of some benefit to other code cutters. To do: If there's demand, I would consider saving -in the Registry- the main dialogue's settings as defaults; but then again, this macro is unlikely to be executed on a daily basis. Usage: The dialogues in MBFntCat.wcm are not quite as self-explanatory as I would like, so here are some pointers: The Sample box provides four phrases covering all 26 letters (in lower and upper case) plus the ten numerals; punctuation marks and special characters are not included. You can also enter your own sample text. What: The group of Radio Buttons "Samples" / "List Only" lets you select whether a document with font samples or a plain list of font names will be produced. Whence: The Radio Buttons "Installed Fonts" / "From List" determine the source of font names to be used: the installed fonts on your system, or a previously created list (see: What). The purpose of "From List" is that you can manually remove font names of no interest, like symbol fonts and the like. How: The check box "No Styles" will attempt to omit style variations, like Bold, Italic, etc. This is a somewhat inexact science and the user is strongly advised to check for the desired behaviour. This can be done by selecting "List Only" because the omitted font names will be part of the list, dis- tinguished by the Strikeout attribute. Wordperfect's Document Compare/Remove Markings can be used to remove the Strikeout entries from that file: WP9: Menu: File/Document/Remove Markings/ option 1 or 2 WP8: Menu: File/Document/Remove Compare Markings/ either option A subsequent Find for the codes [Hrt][Hrt] and Replace with [Hrt], started at the end of the document and searching backwards, is optional. The "Size (Points)" counter specifies in which point size the samples should be produced. The combination of radio buttons "List Only" and "From List" seems non-sensical, but I used that actually a lot during testing, so I didn't disallow it. Note: I haven't found a way yet to access the content of the Wordperfect "Windows" menu item, which shows the names of your active documents. So if you use the "From List" option, you MUST run this macro from that document. I haven't even tested what happens if you run that option from a document which doesn't con- tain valid font names: may be the system melts or your hard disk explodes. P.S.: As of version 2.20, this is now improved a lot; however, it is still unclear what happens with invalid font names: sometimes WordPerfect picks a font with a similar name, sometimes it inserts a font substitution, sometimes it crashes. Installation: Just put the file MBFntCat.wcm anywhere on your system, although it helps if you put it in WordPerfect's "Supplemental Macro Folder". You can also place a shortcut to it anywhere and execute it from there (if your system has .wcm files associated with PerfectScript). Files included: The file contains: MBFntCat.wcm The macro MBFntCat.txt This file Enjoy! -- Michael Bednarek, Computer Support, Grafton Base Hospital, Grafton, Australia "POST NO BILLS"